Alex Kuck

Alex is a mobile and web developer. He has worked on distributed networks by developing and maintaining various sensor networks in Charlottesville, including water quality testing of the Rivanna River and energy monitoring in low income homes.

Alex Evans

Alex is a researcher with an interest in global development and European politics. He is an outspoken privacy advocate that runs an opinion-as-a-service operation in his free time.

Nick Skelsey

Nick is a systems programmer. He has worked as a network engineer and frontend web developer at a few startups and on open source projects.

Luke Demarest

Luke is an artist and frontend web developer with an interest in data visualization and accessibility.

Join Our Team

If you want to help push this project forward, let us know! We accept pull requests, friend requests, and questions of all types. Either contact one of the contributors above or email the current project maintainer at [email protected].


Andrew Montalenti

CTO at

Carol Van Cleef

Manatt & Phelps

Dave Evans

Professor at U.Va.

Larry Mueller

Associate Dean at U.Va.


We have recieved support of some kind or another from the great people within these organizations. Go check them out.